In recent years, you have undoubtedly heard more and more talk about A.I assistants or smart home products like Google Home or Amazon’s Alexa. While these names might sound a bit fancy or complicated, they are in fact simple devices that can improve your everyday quality of life. Here are three reasons to bring one of these helpers into your home

Reminders, Making Lists, Timers

If you are someone who has a hard time keeping your task list sorted or is in constant need of reminders, then these smart home assistants are the perfect devices for you! If you are in a rush but need to make your grocery list without having to write it down, simply tell your device and it will save the list into an application on your phone. You can also do the same for adding events to your calendar. Just tell the advice and it will add the event for you, without you ever having to open your phone! 

Working from home and Using a smart speaker

Hands-Free Internet Searches

There is a certain 21st century privilege that comes along with being able to find the answer for any question online. This is taken to the next step with your A.I. assistant! You can ask it anything and will almost always get a full and complete automated response in a matter of seconds. This is thanks to the fact that these devices are able to keep up with Google algorithms and can search thousands of web pages in under a second to provide you with the answer to the most random of questions! 

Doubles As A Speaker

If you have one of these smart home products then you are killing two birds with one stone, so to speak. These devices can sync up to your Spotify account or to your Apple Music or even to Youtube in order to play your favorite music while you’re working, cooking, or just around the house. 

They are incredibly easy to use, you simply have to audibly tell your smart home product which song you would like and it will put on whatever you ask for. What’s more, you can adjust the volume using only your voice by telling it to turn up or turn down the volume by a certain percentage! 

If you are considering purchasing one of these smart home devices, know that you are about to tap into an unprecedented modern convenience. And the best part is that they have been on the market for a few years now which means that they are not only incredibly affordable but compatible with almost all smartphones! You can find them online for under $100 and they only take a few minutes to set up, what are you waiting for?! 

Clara Mitchell

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