DIY projects are all the rage these days. Thanks to Pinterest and YouTube, everyone wants to try something new. But whether you consider yourself a DIY expert or a beginner, there are a few essential items that you will need. So make sure to stock up on these 4 essential DIY tools that most projects require.  

A Toolbox

Every home should have a toolbox. It can not only help you with DIY projects, but it can also come in handy for carrying out minor repairs around the house. 

When putting together a toolbox, make sure to include the best tools for the job at hand. These include measuring tape, pencils, markers, pliers, wires, duct tape, and scissors. Make sure to add in different types of nails, pins, and plugs, and try to keep these in a separate box to avoid cuts. 

A well-stocked toolbox also includes essential hand equipment. So invest in a good hammerhead, multi-head screwdrivers, wrenches, and cutters for your toolbox. 

Power Equipment

Sometimes, going the DIY route takes up too much time. Power tools help speed up the project and offer much-needed strength and precision as opposed to hand tools. Here are 3 you should definitely consider.

Electric Drill

One of the most useful power tools out there is an electric drill. You can use it to drill holes in wood, metal, and even walls. Keep in mind that a drilling machine is useless without its drill and most hardware stores sell the drill separately. So remember to add it to your purchase to avoid extra store runs. 

Cordless Drill

Another option is a cordless drill. Most people prefer it because it runs on battery power, doesn’t cause you to trip on long wires, and is hassle-free. But the best part is that it can be utilized in difficult to reach places, is lightweight, and is easier to operate with one hand. 

Staple Gun

Staple guns come in different sizes and models. There are both manual and electric options available depending on what you need to use them for. If you’re a fan of remodeling furniture, renovating homes, or upscaling a thrift piece, then a staple gun will come in very handy. It can be used around the house for fixing your flooring, roofing, and even upholstery. 

DIY Materials You Should Always Have 1

Protective Equipment

Before starting a DIY project, it’s important to prioritize safety. Accidents happen even to professional workers, and the risk is especially high for DIY beginners. 

So consider using safety goggles to prevent any shards, wood pieces, or sweat from distorting your vision. Dealing with woodwork and painting jobs can also lead to breathing issues if you aren’t careful, so it’s important to wear a mask. Finally, don’t forget to stock up on some heavy duty work gloves to keep your hands safe, especially if you’ll be using a power tool. 

Craft Supplies

Arts and crafts make up a major chunk of budget-friendly DIY projects. So consider stocking up the following items: 

Knitting and Sewing Kit

Your craft supply basket should include a knitting and sewing kit. Knitting supplies can help you craft a warm quilt, a scarf, or even a stuffed toy for your little ones to enjoy. You can also make some cool crochet designs that you can use for cushion covers or mug warmers.

A sewing kit can also come in handy if you like doing embroidery. Framed embroidery pieces are very popular these days and add a warm, vintage touch to your home. 

Perhaps more importantly, a sewing kit can help you fix your dresses. You might want to sew on a loose button on your favorite outfit or alter its size according to your liking.

Painting Kit

If you’re a true DIY enthusiast, you should definitely consider adding in a mix of paints to your craft basket. You can use acrylic paints to give your home decor items a new life, or splash water colors on a canvas to show your creative side! The possibilities are endless — just make sure to use high-quality paintbrushes to make your designs look perfect.   

Gifting Kit

Many creative DIY enthusiasts enjoy wrapping their own gifts. It makes the gift even more personal and meaningful. And if you’re someone who likes to personalize gifts, then you definitely need a gifting kit. 

A gifting kit usually includes decorative paper, ribbons, jute, artificial flowers, hot glue gun, tape and craft scissors. It might be difficult to find a pre-made kit with all these items, so you may have to shop around.

Finally, if you’re out of gift ideas, check out our gifting guide for some inspiration!

Clara Mitchell

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