The common consensus of people about moving is that it is hard. And who can blame them? There are so many things you have to consider. And things are vastly different from one move to another. You have to think about every decision you make.

For example, you have to consider working with car shipping companies or not. Do you want to drive your car to your new home, or is it better for professionals to take care of it?

With movers, you most probably would need their help—at least, to take your heavy and bulky stuff to the new house. But you have to take the time and effort to find the best movers to work with your situation.

While everything may seem chaotic, it does not have to be that way. There are steps you can take to reduce the stress of the move. And it starts with planning.

Do Your Pre-move Research

To plan correctly, you need to gather as much information as possible. That includes checking out your new neighborhood.

You should take a few trips to the new home before you move. Take notes of where certain things are, like the grocery store, the gas station, and the routes you need to take. 

You may also want to know where emergency services are, such as hospitals, clinics, police, and fire stations. That way, you do not get lost in an emergency.

If you have kids, you may want to research the different schools in your area ahead of time. Education is very important. You need to devote a good amount of effort to find the best school for your children. 

Other parts of your research can include museums and tourist attractions in your area. Get to know the culture and history of the place. You may also want to visit tourist centers to learn more about your new home. 


Plan the Move

Once you have done your research, it is time to create your moving plan. It starts with choosing a date of when you will move out. There are so many factors at play in this. If you are transferring for a job, the start date would be the main consideration. You may also want to consider moving company prices since that can be seasonal.

Now that you have a date, it is time to create a checklist. What are the things you need to do before you move? List them all down and place a deadline on each item. 

You will also need to set a budget for the move. How much should you spend on moving supplies, professionals, transportation, and other things? Moving can be expensive. You may want to monitor your spending.

Take Care of Your Papers

Your paperwork needs to be changed when you move to a new home. That includes contacting different organizations to notify them of the change. You will need to take care of government IDs such as your driver’s license, especially if you are moving to a new state.

You will also need to contact the utility companies about the move. Depending on where you live and the providers, you may need to disconnect the service or change the name to whoever is moving into your old home.

Check your insurance coverage for yourself and your car. Make sure that they cover the new place you are moving to. If not, you will have to find a new provider.

If you have kids, request their transcript of records from their current school. That is a requirement in enrolling them in their new school.

Organize Packing Your Things

Packing is probably the most difficult part of moving to a new home. Take it one step at a time. Be organized in your approach.

Start with things that are not important for day-to-day activities. You can pack paintings, decorations, and other non-essentials weeks before moving. 

You can then move on to packing one room at a time. That way, you get to keep the same things together. Pack the items in your bedroom in the same box and label them. Once you get to the new house, you can take that box to the bedroom, making unpacking easy.

Moving is an opportunity for you to get rid of stuff you no longer want or need. Look at each item as you organize your things and determine what you want to bring to your new home.

For the things you do not need anymore, you can sell or donate them.


Do not let the move overwhelm you. Research, create a plan, be organized, and stick to it. If you are following a plan, things become a lot easier. Even when the situation becomes awry, you can always look back to the plan to help you straighten things out.

Stay level-headed in dealing with the move. When the worst-case scenario happens, you can always seek the help of professionals.

Clara Mitchell

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