If you regularly look around your home and think it feels drab or boring, then it might be time for a home makeover. Reworking your interior decoration and design can have some surprisingly positive effects; the environment in which you live can affect your mental health in ways you might not have expected, so it stands to reason that a home makeover could boost your mood as well as your home’s aesthetic. Here are 9 tips for a successful home makeover in 2022.

1. Budget carefully

Before you even begin thinking about putting your home makeover plans into effect, you should be budgeting carefully. Look closely at your finances and figure out exactly what you can afford and what might be beyond your means. That will help you to develop a concrete plan that you can stick to. Don’t be afraid to ask for help, too; there may be quick loans you can apply for that could give you the cash injection you need to get started, or you may be able to appeal to family and friends for assistance.

2. Use your favourite colours

You will almost certainly hear people telling you that you need to pick a colour scheme for your home with care and attention. While this is certainly true, it’s more important that you personally approve of the colour scheme, so make sure you pick colours that you like. The most cohesive colour scheme in the world won’t work for you if you don’t like the colours, so think about what kind of colour you would want to see every day and work on a scheme from there.

3. Re-use whatever you can

You’d be surprised at what you can re-use. If you’ve got old furniture that’s on its last legs, consider taking it apart and re-using elements of it for your new interior design project. Thinking of throwing out some old artwork? Why not cut it up and repurpose it into something new instead? This has the added benefit of helping you to get creative, which will boost your mood and make the space feel much more personal than it would if you simply bought store artwork or furniture.

4. Declutter your space

Clutter contributes hugely to negative mood and poor mental health. That’s why it’s important to make sure that you declutter your space on a regular basis. If you’re engaging in a home makeover, that could be the perfect opportunity to clear out your home and get rid of some of the things you’re no longer using. Consider upcycling them or giving them away to friends and family before you simply throw them away; after all, the things you’re discarding could still be useful for someone else.

5. Try creating some artwork yourself

Even if you’re not an artistic master, you should still think about creating your own artwork for your interior design makeover. Custom art has a more powerful effect on a space than something you buy from a shop; it gives the room that all-important personal touch. Of course, you’ll need to have the confidence to display your artwork in front of guests or whoever else you plan to invite into your space, but who knows – maybe creating the art and displaying it will give you that confidence boost!

Home Makeover 2

6. Don’t neglect the kitchen

Many people think that just because the kitchen is a utilitarian space, that means they can ignore it when it comes to interior renovation. Nothing could be further from the truth, however. You should be spending a lot of time in your kitchen – after all, home-cooked meals are huge mood-boosters – so making it look nice is imperative. Integrate it into your chosen colour scheme, and think about replacing some of the fittings if they’re starting to show their age.

7. Add mirrors

The great thing about mirrors, from an interior design perspective, is that they add a huge amount of space to a room. If your room is particularly small and you don’t have much to work with in that regard, consider adding mirrors to the walls or ceilings. They can expand a space massively and add an artistic, interesting flair. Mirrors are usually a great talking point for guests, and they have the added benefit of helping you to keep your renovation costs down as well.

8. Keep bedroom colours calm

While a vibrant, lively colour scheme might do wonders for the rest of your house, you should tone things down when it comes to the bedroom. Keeping your colour scheme muted and neutral in this space will help you to sleep and keep the bedroom as a calm, relaxing room. You don’t need to completely change your scheme; just choose less bright tones for bedrooms and make sure there’s nothing too provocative or thought-provoking in them.

9. Paint your front door

Technically, this isn’t an interior design tip, but if you want to make a strong first impression on guests, then it’s a good idea to paint your front door. This is the first thing that many people will see when they visit your home, so it’s also your chance to impress them before they’ve even set foot in your house. For added chic, try sprucing up your door with some decorations, like floral wreaths or other adornments. Not only will guests be impressed by your home, but you’ll feel better about coming back to it as well! 

Clara Mitchell

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