Home pipe bursts can cause serious issues like water damage, mould growth, and even structural damage. Although they can occur at any time, burst pipes are most frequent in the winter when the temperature falls below freezing. We’ll talk about how to handle ruptured pipes in an emergency in this article.

Understanding Burst Pipes

Understanding what causes burst pipes is crucial before discussing how to handle them. The most common reason for a burst pipe is frozen water swelling inside the pipe. The result is a crack or burst in the pipe. Pipes in unheated locations, such as crawl spaces, basements, and attics, are more prone to freezing and burst.

Signs of a Burst Pipe

It is important to be able to recognize the signs of a burst pipe so that you can take action as quickly as possible. Some common signs of a burst pipe include:

  • Water damage on walls, floors, or ceilings
  • A decrease in water pressure
  • Strange noises coming from the pipes
  • An unusual smell

If you notice any of these signs, it is important to act quickly to prevent further damage.

Dealing with a Burst Pipe

If you discover a burst pipe in your home, there are several steps you should take to deal with it:

Step 1: Turn Off the Water

Turning off your home’s water supply should be your first action. This will stop water from entering the burst pipe and inflicting more damage.

Step 2: Drain the Water

The water from the damaged pipes must then be drained. By turning on every tap in your house and flushing the toilets, you can accomplish this. This will aid in lowering the water level in the pipes and stop additional water from entering the burst pipe.

Dealing with Burst Pipes 2

Step 3: Locate the Burst Pipe

You need to find the burst pipe once the water has been turned off and drained. In order to access the troubled region, it could be necessary to cut into walls or ceilings. You may need the help of a qualified Kelowna plumber if you are unable to find the busted pipe.

Step 4: Repair or Replace the Pipe

You must either fix or replace the busted pipe after you’ve found it. A temporary fix, such as a rubber hose clamp or pipe repair tape, might be sufficient to patch the pipe if the damage is small. However, you might need to replace the entire pipe if the damage is more serious.

Preventing Burst Pipes

To avoid the potential damage and expense that come with a burst pipe in your home, prevention of burst pipes is essential. Here are some actions you may do to lessen the possibility of pipes bursting:

  1. Keep your home heated to at least 55 degrees Fahrenheit. Your pipes may burst if the water inside freezes when the temperature falls below freezing. You may avoid your pipes’ water freezing by keeping your house hot to at least 55 degrees Fahrenheit.
  2. Insulate pipes in unheated areas, such as attics and crawl spaces. It’s critical to adequately insulate pipes in cold regions because they are more prone to freezing. Heat tape, pipe insulation sleeves or foam insulation can be used for this..
  3. Seal any cracks or gaps in walls or foundations that allow cold air to enter. Your home’s temperature can drop as a result of cold air, which could result in frozen pipes. You can keep your home warmer by sealing any cracks or openings in the foundation or wall of your house.
  4. Let faucets drip during extreme cold weather to prevent pipes from freezing. You may lessen the risk of pipe water freezing by letting your faucets drip. This is due to the fact that water flow might assist keep it from freezing.

By taking these preventative measures, you can reduce the risk of burst pipes in your home. It’s important to remember that even with these preventative measures, burst pipes can still occur. If you do experience a burst pipe, it’s important to take quick action or call professional Kelowna Plumbing company to prevent further damage.


Dealing with a burst pipe can be a stressful and expensive situation, but you can reduce the damage and cost by being aware of the causes and warning signs of burst pipes and acting quickly when necessary. Additionally, by taking precautions, you can lessen the possibility that pipes will rupture in the first place.

Clara Mitchell

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