As people become health and environmentally conscious, they become aware of the damaging effects of climate change. As a result, governments are drafting and planning efficient ways to reduce everyone’s carbon footprint. Here are some ways you can easily follow to go green at home through a highly sustainable and eco-friendly lifestyle.  

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle  

One of the simplest ways to go green is to strictly follow the 3 Rs – reduce, reuse, recycle which is an effective method to reduce the consumption of single-use plastic and other waste materials to create a sustainable and eco-friendly living space.   

Conserve Water  

Water helps maintain the ecosystem to sustain life and support biodiversity. It plays a vital role in your home and the environment, as it is what every living thing needs to survive.  

You must have access to clean water without significantly risking your household’s health from potentially getting life-threatening diseases such as cholera, typhoid, and polio. Maintaining the water’s quality is essential when you go green at home.   

Thus, start fixing any damaged lines to prevent water leakage, turn off the tap when you are not using it, start using, and consider changing your shower-heads to low-flow to reduce water usage up to around 50%, allowing you to conserve water and save more money from your monthly water bill.  

Invest in Energy-Efficient Appliances  

Energy-efficient appliances are one of the best ways to go green at home. It helps lower energy consumption which means it can help reduce your carbon footprint and, at the same time, lower your monthly energy bill allowing you to save more from it.   

Going Green at Home 1

Energy Star Certified Appliances are sustainable and have a longer lifespan than their counterparts, meaning your home emits fewer greenhouse gas emissions as you don’t need to replace them often.  

In addition, energy-efficient appliances have structural designs and functionalities that aim to improve the indoor air quality in your home, reducing the risk of respiratory illnesses.  

Upgrade Your Light Bulbs  

Another tip for a sustainable and eco-friendly lifestyle to go green at home is changing your light bulbs to eco-friendlier products and brands that help fight challenges such as the effects of severe climate change.   

Start changing your light bulbs to energy-efficient and long-lasting LED lights. Manufacturers thoroughly design LED lights to reduce your home’s carbon footprint. They are more efficient than traditional bulbs consuming only around 80% less energy than conventional bulbs.   

Use Natural Light  

Often overlooked by most homeowners, natural light is the most sustainable way to go green at home. Utilizing your open spaces and windows guarantees a lower energy consumption and monthly bill since you don’t need to use your home’s lighting system.   

Installing LEED V4 compliant access doors such as cendrex stainless steel flanged general purpose panel, skylights, and roof hatches is also a great way to let natural light come into your home, especially in those areas that do not have access to doors and windows.    

Final Thoughts  

Going Green at Home doesn’t need to be complex to achieve a sustainable and eco-friendly lifestyle. Go back to the basic rule, reduce reuse, and recycle single-use plastic and waste materials to lessen the waste that will go to landfills. Conserve water by changing the shower-heads to more low-flow shower-heads and faucets; maximizing the natural light’s benefits is also an excellent way to lower your carbon footprint and energy consumption, saving on monthly energy bills while creating a green home and a more sustainable and eco-friendlier environment.  

Clara Mitchell

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