Keyless entry is becoming increasingly popular as both homeowners and renters continue to purchase smart devices. Smart locks allow you to unlock doors from anywhere simply by using an app on your phone. The process of purchasing and installing a smart lock may seem unfamiliar to many who are used to traditional deadbolts. However, the intimidation of smart home devices disappears once you start the process of installation. The convenience and accessibility that smart locks provide users seemingly outweigh any minuscule trouble that comes with making the switch. 

The process of switching to smart locks and swapping your keys for a digital key has never been easier. As long as individuals have access to a smartphone, the process of keyless entry is easy for people of all ages. Smart locks make monitoring and managing both your home and its guests beyond simple. Users can give access to vacation rental guests, friends, family members, and workers without any worry. This is due to the fact that homeowners can easily share and revoke access to anyone at any given time. 

How do smart locks work? 

Keyless entry allows users to unlock their door with the touch of a button instead of carrying around physical keys. Some smart locks connect to your home or business’s WiFi network. That connection to a WiFi network is needed in order for the lock to receive the code and/or smartphone request to lock or unlock your door. Other smart devices, such as smartwatches, are able to send commands to your door through voice control or the touch of a button. Smart locks can also connect to smart hubs, such as Amazon Alexa, and join forces with the other smart devices in your home. 

Smart Locks 1

Installing a smart lock gives users the opportunity to assign different passcodes or digital keys to specific individuals. The accessibility of each passcode can be different from one to the next to help track who is coming in and out of your home and when. This provides a convenient way for homeowners to let guests in, especially while away. In addition to that safety feature, certain smart locks also offer a level of protection from lockpicking and can alert you of a break-in. 

The smart lock installation process typically goes one of two ways. Some smart locks allow users to keep the existing deadbolt, while others require replacing the entire lock system. For those looking to keep their current keys, it is important to search for one that is compatible with the existing lock. Many smart locks do require customers to replace the existing deadbolt. These types of locks will typically take more effort and time to install. However, replacing a deadbolt is not as difficult as many would imagine it to be. Most of the time, individuals will just need to set aside some time and have the proper tools for installation. 

Why should you consider purchasing a smart lock? 

Whether it’s home speakers, lights, security cameras, or a new smart lock, smart home devices make managing your residence easier than ever before. An overwhelming amount of households are deciding to make the switch to keyless entry and for a good reason. Your smartphone is in control and the concern of forgetting to lock your door disappears with the touch of a button. The concept of being able to leave your house without worrying that you forgot your keys makes purchasing a smart lock worth it.

Smart locks provide the convenience of letting in family, friends, or the dog walker while you are away. They also do away with the hassle of giving guests your home key and making sure it is returned. With smart locks, property owners are able to give access and specific digital keys to certain people and later revoke access at any given time. If you’re away and need to let someone in, you can simply share a passcode or unlock your door through your smart device.  This is perfect for homeowners undergoing renovation or those with a rental property that are used to having guests coming and going. It also makes monitoring workers and renovation way easier for a variety of reasons. For instance, if contractors are claiming to work a certain set of hours, your smart lock will be able to confirm those hours and avoid any scamming. 

Smart locks are becoming the future of locking your property and keeping both your home and your loved ones safe. The accessibility that keyless entry provides exceeds the benefits of a standard deadbolt. Automated smart entry is making managing your property incredibly convenient whether you are around the corner or on the other side of the country. The installation of smart locks provides easy accessibility and stable security for users around the globe. 

Clara Mitchell

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