Wind sensors can help you monitor your fountain for changes in wind speed, direction, and strength. Not only do they provide diagnostic information that can better inform your irrigation strategy but they also give you greater peace of mind during stormy weather. There are a number of different types of sensors available for purchase depending on what you want to monitor and how often.

Adding a wind sensor to your fountain can help you track how often it is being used, and help improve its efficiency. There are a few different ways to add a wind sensor to your fountain, and each has its own set of pros and cons. 

The easiest way to add a wind speed sensor is to use one of the built-in sensors that many fountains come with. These sensors usually require no installation, and they will automatically detect when the wind speed exceeds a certain threshold. However, these sensors are usually located close to the water source, which may impact the performance of your fountain. 

Add A Wind Sensor To Your Fountain 1

If you want to add a wind sensor further away from the water source, you can use an external sensor. This type of sensor requires some installation work, but it will typically be more accurate than the built-in sensors. Additionally, external sensors can be placed anywhere in your garden or yard, which gives you more flexibility in how you use your fountain. 

The Benefits of Adding a Wind Sensor:

Adding a wind sensor to your fountain can help keep it running smoothly and efficiently. Wind sensors help control the flow of water in a fountain based on the speed and direction of the wind. This can help prevent clogging, over-filling, and other problems that can occur with fountains. Additionally, by knowing the speed and direction of the wind, you can adjust how much water is flowing through the fountain accordingly.

Things to Consider When Buying a Fountain:

When you are buying a fountain, there are a few things to consider. The size of the fountain is one, and you will also want to think about what type of water feature you would like. There are many different types of fountains, from those with jets that spray water high into the air to bubbling fountains that feature streams or cascades. You will also need to decide on the features you want your fountain to have. 

Once you have decided on all of the features your fountain needs, you need to decide on how much money you want to spend. Fountain prices can range from around $50 to tens of thousands of dollars, so it is important that you research which features are important to you and which ones can be left out if budget is an issue.

Clara Mitchell

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