If you’re a basketball fan (or have kids who are), you know that nothing beats playing a game in your own backyard. But if your yard is anything like most, it’s probably not equipped to handle a game of hoops. In this post, we’ll show you how to line mark your yard into a basketball court using just paint and some simple tools. Let’s get to work!

First, you’ll need to find a level spot in your yard that’s large enough to accommodate a regulation-sized basketball court. According to River City’s website, if you don’t have a lot of space to work with, you can always scale down the size of the court to fit your needs. Once you’ve found the perfect spot, it’s time to start painting!

To create the boundary lines for your court, use a long piece of chalk or string to mark out the perimeter. Make sure that all of your lines are nice and straight – this will be key for making sure that your game is fair and fun.

Once you have the basic outline of your court-drawn out, it’s time to start painting. You’ll want to use brightly-coloured paint that will be visible from a distance. We recommend using something like fluorescent orange or yellow so that players can easily see the boundaries while they’re playing.

Yard 2

Now, it’s time to add the markings for the game itself. Start by painting a rectangle in the centre of your court – this will be the key. Then, add the free throw line and three-point arc. For extra fun, you can also paint lines for a half-court game!

Finally, it’s time to add the finishing touches. Add your team’s name or logo to one end of the court, and make sure to include a basket on each side. Once you’re done, invite some friends over and start shooting some hoops!

For some extra love, you can try adding a nice border around your court. This will help to make it look even more professional and give it some extra flair. You can use garden edging, bricks, pavers, or anything else that you think would look great!

That’s all there is to it! By following these simple steps, you’ll have a basketball court in your own backyard in no time. So what are you waiting for? Get out there and start shooting some hoops!

Clara Mitchell

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