So, are you going for self-storage? Frankly, it’s a pretty good idea. All you have to do is learn to pack the self-storage unit properly. You will be able to keep your belongings safe and save a lot of money. Want to know how you are supposed to pack your self-storage unit? It’s not rocket science. Here is a brief step by step guide. 

  • Gather all the belongings that you need to store in a place 
  • Know and have what you need to pack the self storage in dickinson nd
  • Double-check the storage boxes for damages 
  • Categorize your belongings 
  • Organize your belongings in the storage box 
  • Seal and label 

Gather all the belongings that you need to store in a place 

First of all, to smoothen up the whole process, you need to gather all your belongings in one place. It is necessary for two major reasons:

  • To get done with the packing faster 
  • To not forget anything 

You should gather all your belongings in a place where you can keep your cardboard box and sit comfortably. I suggest you perform the whole process in your living room.

Know and have what you need to pack the self-storage unit

 There are a few things you need to pack your belongings to perfection. It’s mandatory to know and have everything you need even before you begin making a list of things needed to be stored. To be able to store your belongings to perfection you would need 

  • Tape 
  • Marker 
  • Bubble wrap 
  • Dust sheet 
  • Old blanket 
  • Cardboard boxes 

Cardboard boxes must be purchased very carefully. They should be strong enough to keep your belongings safe and sound. Do not mind paying extra for a good quality cardboard box as it will be worth it. 

packing the self-storage unit 1

Double-check the storage boxes for damages 

Now that you have got everything that is needed for the process, move a step ahead by examining the cardboard box. Open up the cardboard box and examine it thoroughly. You have to make sure the storage box is free of flaws. Otherwise, it would not be able to serve you well. Therefore, if the cardboard box you bought is damaged, replace it immediately.

Categorize your belongings 

Now is the time to categorize your belongings. It’s not a good practice to throw everything in a storage box and seal it with tape. Categorize your items. For example, all the clothes should be packed in one storage box and the same goes for everything else.

Organize your belongings in the storage box 

Once everything is categorized, it’s time to organize the stuff. Place the old blanket into the cardboard box first, bubble wrap the heavier items, and place them carefully in the storage box first. The lightweight items can be stored on the top. The delicate lightweight items can be bubble wrapped as well. Avoid over-packing.

Seal and label 

Apply the tape and seal the box well. You can apply the tape on the edges of the cardboard box as well for added protection. Lastly, label your box and you are done!

Clara Mitchell

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