If you’ve been following the latest trends in social media, you’ll know that micro-blogging platforms have become essential tools for any serious marketer to have at their disposal. Twitter on likigram The ability to keep your followers updated on what’s going on in your brand’s world, as well as an effective way of sharing links and other relevant information, has become a must-have in today’s digital world. With so many great companies putting their own spin on various social media accounts, it can be tricky to know where to begin. But if you’re looking to start your own account and are ready to give it a go, then read on for the insider secrets on how to do just that.

Set yourself apart with relevant tweets

As mentioned above, the key to growing your account is by setting yourself apart from the crowd. You can do this by choosing a username that’ll stand out, making sure your content is relevant to your followers’ interests, and sending a consistent stream of content that promotes your brand.

Choose a username that’ll stand out

One way to make your username stand out is by choosing a unique one. If your goal is to grow your following, then it’ll be more difficult for people to forget about you once they’ve started following you. A unique username is therefore key.

Make sure you stay on brand

One of the biggest challenges that startup owners face when setting up their own account is staying on brand. You may not want to share a photo of yourself in your company’s uniform, for example, but that doesn’t mean you have to stop being associated with your brand. Your followers may not yet associate your brand with anything, but that doesn’t mean you can’t make a start. In order to stay relevant, it’s important to make sure you stay on brand.

Use hashtags to make your posts visible

If you need your posts to be visible to as many people as possible, you should consider using hashtags. By putting a relevant word right into the tweet box in your favour, people can easily see what you’re saying without having to click on your post in order to do so. In addition to being an effective way to make your posts visible, hashtags are also great for building brand awareness. By putting a relevant word right into the tweet box, you can easily build brand awareness without ever having to lift a finger.

Don’t be afraid to reach out to your followers

When you first start out on your own account, you may find that you’re shy about reaching out to your followers. Although you don’t want to fall into the trap of being too busy being in-tomb to reply to your followers, you also don’t want to miss out on the chance to get in touch with them either. In order to build a healthy, lasting relationship with your followers, you need to be regularly reaching out to them. A good way to start is by setting up a ‘reply to all’ feed so that you can easily respond to the vast majority of your followers at the same time.

Know your audience and their behaviour

What followers you have and what you’re sharing will depend on who you are and what you’re doing. If you’re a travel brand, for example, you’ll likely want to keep your followers updated on the latest ways to experience northern Italy. But what if you’re a fashion brand and you want to keep your followers up-to-date on the latest trends? You need to remember that your followers are people too, and that your brand’s message may resonate with different people on different levels. If you keep the content relevant to your followers’ interests (and the trends they’re interested in), you’ll be able to grow your following exponentially.


Getting your first taste of social media is usually a nerve-wracking experience. You may be afraid of what you’ll do or say if people aren’t following you, or whether people will like what you’re doing. However, once you’ve got the hang of it, the rewards of being able to connect with your followers in real-time are immense. By using the right tips and strategies, you can start your own account on Accfarm today and grow your following exponentially.

Clara Mitchell

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