How many times have you watched ads or reports from celebrities’ homes and admired their perfectly green, lush lawns? If it’s natural grass, it’s clear that such a yard is the result of a lot of effort and money and that there’s probably a whole team of staff who keep it in perfect condition.

Natural grass has its advantages, which you can find out about at this link. But it takes a lot of money and time to make your yard perfect, not to mention regular maintenance that requires additional costs. Since not everyone can afford to grow and maintain a perfect natural lawn, artificial turf Buckeye can be a solution.

Besides looking and feeling natural, synthetic grass is suitable for all types of terrain, which many homeowners consider a huge advantage. It can enhance the look of any yard without costing you an arm and a leg and without taking away all your free time. Sure, it needs occasional maintenance, but the effort and resources invested are minimal with maximum results.

Sweep Daily

Artificial turf has unique needs, but they are nothing compared to natural grass. No weeds, bold spots, and problems with growth, neither do mowing and watering. However, what’s necessary is the regular removal of branches, debris, and everything that doesn’t belong to the lawn.

How often you need to do this depends on what is on your lawn. If there aren’t many trees in the area, you won’t have too many problems with fallen leaves and branches. On the other hand, if there are a lot of trees in your or your neighbor’s yard, you’ll most likely have to sweep your lawn daily.

Luckily, that’s an easy job. You need a rake or a leaf blower/ lawn vacuum if you want to do this task with minimal effort. These tools can help you eliminate debris even if it gets stuck in the synthetic blades. Still, if you think it would be a big expense for you, a rake will do a good job; just make sure it doesn’t have metal bristles that can tear off synthetic blades.

Remove Pet Waste

When your pet makes a mess on synthetic turf, wash the urine and possibly clean the area with mild soap to remove the unpleasant smell. With solid waste, you need to wait until it dries so as not to smear it all around. Then remove it, and wash the crime scene.

Synthetic Turf Maintenance 1

If you have pets, their waste is something you can’t avoid. Fortunately for you, synthetic turf with a well-designed drainage system will eliminate excess liquid, making the removal of numbers one and two simple. Just use mild cleaning agents, no chemicals and bleaches. Find more methods for pet waste cleaning on this source.

Monthly Cleaning

If you’re lucky enough that your artificial grass doesn’t get too dirty, monthly cleaning is all it takes to keep it forever green and lush. In case of no visible stains, you just have to rack the lawn and spray it with clean water, and eventually apply a weed killer if you spot these uninvited guests.

When it comes to oily spots, just washing with water isn’t enough. Instead, you need to mix it with mild detergent and apply it to the stain with a cloth or sponge. Leave it for a few minutes, and then try to rub it. In case it doesn’t come off, repeat the procedure. Rinse using a garden hose with a special attachment or a power washer, holding it just a few inches from the ground and washing the grass at an angle.

In the case of sticky stuff like toffee or bubble gum, wait for the stain to harden, then try to scrape it from the lawn. For very stubborn stains, you can look for specialized ammonia-based cleaning products. After cleaning, rinse the grass thoroughly, not just the area you cleaned. That’s the only way to ensure all the soap scum is gone and your lawn is clean and fresh.

Maintenance of Synthetic Turf in Winter

Artificial turf can handle a large amount of precipitation when the drainage system does its job. It also tolerates low temperatures and frost well, so winter weather won’t affect its look. But you can do some things to help your lawn get through this season.

Check the source below to know when you should replace your synthetic turf:

To begin with, remove the snow regularly, especially if the precipitation is heavy. The weight of this cover can tear the grass, which can be tricky to fix later. In case of light snow, let it melt naturally. If there’s no snow, regularly rack or vacuum your lawn. For more detailed cleaning, wait for warmer weather.

Attractive, durable, and easy to maintain, artificial grass is the choice of many homeowners who want their yards to be neat and green. It takes a little effort and resources to have a good-looking lawn that you’ll enjoy all year round.

Clara Mitchell

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