Your lawn forms the first impression many people have of your home. It makes sense, then, that you want to ensure it’s properly maintained. How do you go about doing that?

There are several considerations you need to make: both regarding who should handle lawn care, and what forms of care it needs. Our goal is to cover everything you need to know so you can rest easy and appreciate the greenery outside your home.

Can You Handle Lawn Care by Yourself?

Some homeowners may want to try and do their own lawn care. While it is possible to do this, we don’t recommend it.

First of all, people often intend to do their own lawn care before life gets in the way. Whether you’re trying to take care of family, hold down a job, or even just engage in your favorite hobbies, lawn care can take away from other parts of your life.

This is a problem because unkempt lawns later become more difficult to maintain. Weeds could be harder to pull out and pests could get comfortable in your grass.

Second, lawn care experts will have access to both tools and knowledge that make the job easier. This allows us to do a high-quality job in less time than it would take a layman. It’s also more cost effective, since our equipment can be used for multiple jobs.

How Often Do You Need Lawn Care?

How often you need lawn care is going to vary depending on your property. Commercial properties tend to need more upkeep than single-family residential properties, for instance. The bigger a property, the more often it needs to be inspected.

There are also different services. For instance, you’re going to need to get your grass mowed a minimum of once or twice a week. This is essential for making sure your grass doesn’t grow too tall; along with being aesthetically unpleasant, overly long grass can fold on top of surrounding grass. This leaves you with patches of brown, since the covered grass is unable to get the sun it needs.

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Fertilization, on the other hand, happens on a much slower time scale. Most properties need fertilization once or twice a month: this gives your grass the boost it needs to grow effectively. More frequent feedings may be common, depending on the species of grass that you have.

Of course, there are also some services that you might need only once. For instance, if a tree is too close to your home, you’ll need to get it cut down to prevent trouble during a storm.

A qualified lawn expert can walk you through what services you need. At the end of the day, the goal is to ensure that the plants are healthy and your grass looks stunning.

How Do You Find the Right Lawn Care Service?

If it’s inadvisable to do lawn care by yourself, you may be wondering how to find a high-quality lawn care service provider. Here are two of the methods you can use:

  • Find people who are happy with their current lawn service provider – If your friends have had previous success with a lawn care provider, it’s worth asking them. You can also look at the testimonials that a lawn service has on their website. 
  • Search online – Google gives you many tools for determining the best lawn service providers in your area. You can look at the map to understand how close a provider is to you, and you can also check reviews to see how trusted the provider is within the community.

It can also be useful to speak with the lawn care experts in your area to get an idea of what they offer. A high-quality lawn service should make you feel confident in their services.

Looking for Lawn Care in South Florida?

O’Hara Pest Control has you covered. We’ve been serving the South Florida area for decades, which means we have familiarity and experience with the area’s flora and fauna. We’re a family-owned company, and we’re proud of what we do.

Have any questions about what we can do for you? Looking to get a free quote on our sprinkler, landscaping, or pest control services? Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us today! We work with both homeowners and business owners.

Clara Mitchell

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