There are many reasons to move to Oregon, be it the open green spaces, lifestyle improvement, and overall better quality of life. People from across the United States are moving to Bend, Oregon. It is among the fastest-growing cities in the country and has a huge number of remote workers.

If you are planning to buy a house and move to Bend, Oregon, no time could be better than this. Over the next few years, real-estate prices will soar in Oregon. Whether you buy a home to live in it or as an investment, Bend is one of the best places for that.

Let’s talk about some tips and tricks for first-time homebuyers in Oregon:

Work with a trusted real estate company

If you want to buy a house, you cannot do it on your own. There are so many things to look after, be it legal affairs or property prices. Real estate agencies work on behalf of their clients to find them the best match according to their preferences and budget. They charge a commission for this as well.

When you have decided that you are moving to Oregon, the first to do is find a local, trusted real estate agency. If you rush here, you will end up getting a deal you don’t like. So you must take your time and go through various real estate agencies before deciding on one.

Start saving for a downpayment

The last thing anyone would want is to be trapped in debt. Unfortunately, buying a home often leads to that. In most cases, it is a result of improper financial planning combined with some unpredictable event. However, you can start saving from this moment for a downpayment which would ease the burden of debt. The more you pay upfront, the lower your interest on the home loan would be. If you are counting on your future earnings totally, a small accident can throw your financial plans off track.

Compare different mortgage rates

It is indeed a no-brainer, but many people commit to one deal without checking other options. Do not make the same mistake when you are buying a house in Oregon. With so many lending options available, it makes no sense to stick to the one that you come across first. Compare and contrast all options before settling on one. It can save you a lot of money over the long run.

Buyers 2

Maintain good credit score

It is very important to maintain good credit scores, not only for buying a house. A good credit score will make loan approvals easier and interest rates lower. However, it takes time and discipline to build a good credit score. If you do not have that time in hand, consult a financial advisor for short-term methods for improving your credit score.

Take advantage of first-time buyer assistance programs

Depending on your income slab and other factors, there might be some first-time homebuyer assistance available for you in Oregon. The best way to get information about these offers is to work with a local real estate agent, as we said earlier. These assistance programs can lessen the financial burden that comes with buying a property.

Understand the cost of owning a home

The amount you buy a home for is not the only expense attached to it. After you start living in a new home, there are several expenses that come along. Be it water and electricity bills or property taxes, it is very easy to undermine or ignore these expenses. However, you should have a complete understanding of the cost of owning a house before you decide to buy one.


We hope you will find this guide helpful when thinking about buying a new house and moving to Oregon.

Clara Mitchell

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