Dealing with a pest infestation can be daunting, but some pests are even harder to deal with than others. Thankfully, by knowing some of the ways to prevent these pests from taking up residence in your home, you can keep them out for good. Here are five of the peskiest pests that you don’t want in your house – and how to keep them out.

#1: Cockroaches

Cockroaches are one of the most common pests, and they’re also one of the hardest to get rid of. If you see even just one cockroach in your home, it’s likely that there are many more hiding in cracks and crevices. Cockroaches are attracted to food sources and moisture, so keep your kitchen clean and free of crumbs, and fix any leaks or dampness issues right away. You can also try using roach traps or baits to get rid of them.

These pests are extremely unwanted because they can carry a variety of diseases. They’re also known to cause asthma and other respiratory problems.

Prevention is key when it comes to cockroaches. Be sure to keep your kitchen clean, mop up any spills right away, and fix any plumbing issues promptly. You might also want to try using roach traps or baits around your home.

If you already have a cockroach problem, you’ll need to call in a professional pest control company to get rid of them. Do-it-yourself methods are rarely effective against cockroaches, so you are better off contacting Sprague Pest Solutions Portland or your local trusted pest control company.

#2: Bed Bugs

Bed bugs are small insects that are typically of a red or brown colour. These unsightly pests stick around humans and animals where they can feed on their blood. They’re most active at night, which is why they’re often found in beds. Bed bugs can be difficult to get rid of because they reproduce quickly and can hide in tiny cracks and crevices.

It only made sense to include them on this list because not only are they unappealing, but they can also be harmful. These pests are known to cause skin rashes, welts, and even psychological effects.

The best way to prevent bed bugs is to avoid infested areas. If you’re staying in a hotel or other rental property, inspect the furniture and bedding for signs of bed bugs before settling in. When travelling, keep your luggage off the ground and away from the beds and furnishings.

If you think you might have bed bugs, it’s important to act quickly. Inspect your bedding and furniture for signs of these pests and look for tiny reddish-brown bugs. If you find any, call a professional pest control company right away.

#3: Mice

Mice are small, brown rodents that can squeeze through tiny openings to get into your home. They’re attracted to food sources and warmth, so they often nest in kitchens and pantries. Mice can be difficult to get rid of because they reproduce quickly and are good at hiding.

Besides being a nuisance, mice can also carry diseases and contaminate food sources. If you think you might have mice in your home, look for droppings near food sources or in cupboards and drawers. You might also hear them scurrying around at night.

To prevent mice from getting into your home, seal up any cracks or holes on the outside of your house. Keep your food stored in airtight containers and clean up any crumbs or spills right away. You can also try using mouse traps or baits around your home.

#4: Ants

Ants are small, hard-working insects that often invade homes in search of food. They’re attracted to sweet or sugary substances, so they can be a nuisance in kitchens. Ants can be difficult to get rid of because they reproduce quickly and build large colonies.

While certain ant species may not be harmful to you, they can be a nuisance, especially if they invade your kitchen in search of food. Moreover, they are known to cause damage to your home by chewing through wood and electrical wires.

The best way to prevent ants is to keep your home clean and free of crumbs and food residue. Store food in airtight containers and seal up any cracks or holes where they might be able to enter. You can also try using ant traps or baits around your perimeter.

Black ants

#5: Spiders

Spiders are small, eight-legged creatures that can be found in nearly every corner of the world. Some spiders are harmless, while others can be dangerous. Spiders often enter homes in search of food or shelter and can be difficult to get rid of once they’re inside.

While most spiders are not harmful to humans, some species can be dangerous. For example, the black widow spider is known to cause serious health problems in people who are bitten. Thankfully, keeping these unwanted guests away is fairly simple if you take precautionary measures before they invade your home.

To prevent spiders from getting into your home, seal up any cracks or holes on the outside of your house. Keep your windows and doors closed as much as possible and remove any webs or egg sacs you see around your property. You can also try placing traps made specifically for spiders around the affected area of your home.

Final Thoughts

Pests are never fun to deal with, but hopefully, this blog post has helped you learn a little bit more about some of the most common ones. Remember, the best way to prevent pests is to take action before they become a problem. If you think you might have pests in your home, call a professional pest control company right away. Thanks for reading!

Clara Mitchell

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